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What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a way to look inside yourself without the verbal puzzles, tedious self-examination, and hours of analytical reflection that often accompany the meticulous work of a therapist. Here, all the necessary tools are your hands, paints, clay, or pencils, and the space for expression is any surface ready to embrace your inner world. In other words, art therapy is about being here and now with your sensations and emotions, learning to understand and accept them.

It doesn't matter at all how familiar you are with creative activities or whether you can draw at all (by your own opinion or that of your school art teacher).

Important! Art therapy does not require you to be an artist. The value lies in the process itself and what sensations, thoughts, and images it evokes in you. Through creativity, you can express what is difficult or impossible to put into words. This opens the way to understanding and accepting your own experiences and helps find new ways to cope with them. Almost magic, right? ✨

In reality, it is both simpler and more complex at the same time. The unique feature of art therapy is its ability to provide access to the subconscious aspects of the human psyche. Through the creative process, participants can encounter internal conflicts and difficulties in a more symbolic and metaphorical form. This often makes them easier to understand and work through.

And finally, art therapy often helps those who, in general, find it difficult to express their feelings or find traditional talk therapy exhausting, uncomfortable, or simply useless. Moreover, for art therapy, it is not necessary to believe in its effectiveness. Just choose materials that feel pleasant to the touch and your favorite colors, and express yourself in any way you wish.

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